Harper Sport was designed with athletes in mind.

ath·lete noun

a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina


Chances are, you’re an athlete. Maybe you’re a Division-1 football player, maybe you run your local brewery’s 5k, maybe you swim with the masters group at your gym, you’ve retired after a basketball career, or you play pickleball with your neighbors. You’re an athlete. Maybe you sprint to catch the bus, maybe you lift toddlers and groceries, or maybe you have to hold your balance while stepping over your dog sprawled in the kitchen floor. Life’s everyday challenges require your strength, agility, and stamina.

So, you, too, are an athlete, and an athlete’s body needs maintenance.

At Harper Sport, I want to help you hurt less, so you can play more, however it is you like to play. Whether you compete professionally, exercise as a weekend warrior, or chase around babies, you’re an athlete in my book.

You ask a lot of your body. What’s it asking from you?

Lauren Harper


Active Release Techniques® Certified Provider

Licensed Bodywork and Massage Therapist

NASMNCCA Certified Personal Trainer

NASMCorrective Exercise Specialist

Starfish Aquatics Institute Swim Instructor

StarGuard ELITE Lifeguard

Hi, I’m Harper, and I’m an athlete too. With a background ranging from gymnastics and barre to karate and basketball, I now race as a sprint and middle distance triathlete and coach swimmers. I know the toll that playing hard can take on a body, but with a decade of experience as a Registered Nurse, I can attest the alternative is even worse. I founded Harper Sport to combine my passions of caring for others and helping them heal with my love of movement and the joy of exercise. It’s my mission to free you to move your body in the ways you enjoy, unfettered by injury and pain.

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